Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Good Reading

If you are a Christian confused by all of the criticism you're receiving, Ravi Zacharias may by the author that restores your confidence.
Ravi was born a Hindu in India and attended university there. He later converted to Christianity and is, in my opinion, the finest Christian defender of the faith living today.
Recommended books include: 

"Jesus Among Other Gods"
"The Real Face of Atheism"
"Can Man Live Without God"
"The Real Face of Evil"
and "The End of Reason"

These particular books by Zacharias are not light summer reading, but they are immensely encouraging to those of us confused and discouraged by the direction of our world today.

You can also find great podcasts at www.RZIM.org under the heading of "Media" and subheading of "Let My People Think." There is no charge for use of this site.